Zinc is needed in the construction of proteins and thus for the growth and renewal of tissue. Zinc also ensures healthy bones, hair and skin, and a good memory. In addition it plays a role in the construction and breakdown of carbohydrates. Zinc is part of the hormone insulin and it causes the immune system is working properly. It carries in addition to fertility.
Where is it in?
Zinc occurs primarily in meat, fish, herring, brown bread, pulses and rice.
On the page ' where's the? "is to find more information about mineral resources and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.
How much do I need?
The Health Council has the recommended amount for adult men (22-50 years) set at 10 milligrams per day and for women at 9 milligrams per day.
An overview of the zinc need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.
What factors affect the absorption of zinc?
Dietary fiber and phosphorus have a restrictive effect on the absorption of zinc.
What is safe?
The maximum safe dose is 25 mg of zinc per day. This is equivalent to eight fried burgers. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.
What are the consequences of an excess of zinc?
An acute excess zinc is rare in humans. When there was an intake of a large dose of zinc at one time, then it was this caused by food or drink that had come in contact with galvanized. The symptoms that occur include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Prolonged intake of too much zinc can cause among other anemia (anemia) and a reduction of the resistance.
What are the consequences of a lack of zinc?
Infants may be left behind by a zinc deficiency growth and severely malnourished. Other effects of zinc deficiency may include growth retardation, decreased taste and smell, skin disorders and night blindness.
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