The mineral calcium (lime) gives firmness to the skeleton and teeth. Calcium is also needed for the proper functioning of the muscles and for guiding incentives to the nerves. Calcium is involved in blood clotting, further cell growth and hormone metabolism. In addition, it contributes to the energy supply of our body cells.
Where is it in?
Calcium occurs mainly in dairy products such as milk and cheese. Bread, vegetables, pulses and potatoes contain much less calcium than dairy products, but wear though of the total calcium supply. On the page ' where's the? "is even more information about the sources of calcium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.
How much do I need?
The required amount of calcium is among other things dependent on age and gender. According to the Health Council have adult men and women (19-50 years) on average 1000 milligrams (= 1 gram) need calcium. This corresponds to 4-5 glasses of milk.
An overview of the calcium need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.
What factors affect calcium absorption?
The absorption of calcium by the body is affected by a number of factors. So provide sufficient exercise and enough vitamin D for increased recording. Too little exercise and vitamin D do the recording. In addition, older people have less calcium in women on. the hormonal changes during menopause have a negative effect on calcium absorption. Alcohol also causes decreased absorption of calcium.
What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for calcium is 2500 mg/day. This is approximately two gallons of milk. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.
What are the consequences of too much calcium?
An excess of calcium interferes with the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Kidney stones can cause bone growth is deteriorating, making bones weaken.
What are the consequences of a lack of calcium?
In infants may by a calcium deficiency muscle cramps. Low calcium intake in the elderly can lead to osteoporosis (osteoporosis). When calcium by a deficiency of vitamin D can not adequately recorded, osteomalacia (bone softening).
Other consequences of a lack of calcium are a delayed blood clotting, and-a serious deficit-muscle cramps.
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