
Magnesium is necessary for energy metabolism in the body, the transfer of nerve impulses and the proper functioning of the muscles. Furthermore, magnesium firmness to the skeleton and it is required for building muscle. It also contributes to the energy supply of our body.
Where is it in?
Magnesium found in almost all foods for. The content of magnesium varies by food. On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of magnesium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The Health Council has the recommended daily allowance for adult men (19-50 years) set at 300-350 mg and for adult women at 250-350 mg.

An overview of the different life stages in the magnesium requirement can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect the absorption of magnesium?
Dietary fiber and phosphorus reduce the absorption of magnesium, as with zinc. Dietary fiber and phosphorus are found in fruits, vegetables and grains. The percentage of magnesium absorption is also dependent on the amount of protein, oxalic acid or phytic acid that is present in the intestine.

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for magnesium from supplements and fortified foods is 250 milligrams per day. Only by these products may be a surplus of magnesium occur. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the effects of too much magnesium?
With an excess of magnesium creates light diarrhea.

What are the consequences of a lack of magnesium?
Magnesium found in almost all foods for. This makes the chances of a magnesium deficiency is very small. At a lengthy magnesium deficiency Act complaints as irritation of the nerves in the muscles, cardiac arrhythmia, stomach cramps and fatigue.

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