Iodine is needed for the formation of thyroid hormones that are important for growth and metabolism. Iodine is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and supports the energy supply.
Where is it in?
Iodine can naturally occur in seawater, in Earth and in drinking water. Through these roads is iodine in food as sea fish and vegetables. Milk and milk products also contribute to the iodine intake. In the consumer goods Act stipulates that bread and bread substitutes, meat products, common salt and common salt substitutes may be enriched with iodine.
On the page ' where's the? "is even more information about iodine sources and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.
How much do I need?
In Netherlands is no recommended daily allowance for iodine. Therefore, the vitamin information Office, just like the Health Council, the American guidelines (from the Institute of Medicine). In America the recommended daily allowance for adults set at 150 micrograms per day. During the pregnancy is 220 micrograms is recommended. For women who are breastfeeding in an RDA of 290 micrograms per day.
An overview of the different life stages need in the iodine can be found at ' how much do I need? '
What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for iodine is 600 micrograms/day. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.
What are the effects of too much iodine?
In a normally functioning thyroid gland allows the body too much iodine well tolerated. When the thyroid gland works insufficiently (hypothyroidism), an excess of iodine can ensure a thyroid enlargement. In some individuals, the high iodine thyroid result in a tax already in which an excess of thyroid hormones is produced (hyperthyroïdisme). This allows symptoms as insomnia, nervousness, increased appetite and weight loss.
What are the consequences of a lack of iodine?
At a deficiency of iodine can swell the thyroid gland in children this has a lag in on the physical and mental growth. In adults slow down the reactions, keep the tissues retain moisture and reduces the ability to think.
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