
Chloride (chlorine) is in table salt. It is along with sodium and potassium needed for a good balance in the water balance of the body. In addition it comes also for chloride in stomach acid, in the form of hydrochloric acid.

Where is it in?
Salt, which is made up of sodium and chloride, is the main source for chloride. Sodium Chloride is so, like, for in almost all foods and beverages. Chloride is in the form of salt added during the production process, during the preparation of the meal or at the table.

On the page ' where's the? "is even more information about the sources of chloride and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
For chloride is not a recommended daily recommended amount. It is assumed that not more than 1.5 g salt per day is needed to fulfill a requirement. The Health Council recommends no more than 6 grams of salt a day.

What is safe?
Adverse effects of too much chloride are not known. There is no safe upper limit fixed.

What are the effects of too much chloride?
Chloride is mainly through salt included in the body. To ensure that the body does not ingest too much chloride, the average salt consumption preferably below the 9 grams per day. At this quantity the body gets more than enough chloride inside and no surplus arises. By excessive consumption of table salt, the body moisture retention (edema) that high blood pressure can occur. Symptoms of too much chlorine, however, are not known.

What are the consequences of a lack of chloride?
A shortage of chloride will not occur quickly in Netherlands because chloride is present in almost all foods. Thereby also get people who follow a low salt diet still adequate chloride inside.

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