Sodium is necessary for a good balance in the water balance of the body, for the muscle contraction and nerve stimulus or the conductivity. Sodium also provides an important contribution to the regulation of blood pressure, along with the mineral potassium.
Where is it in?
Sodium is present in almost all foods and drinks. In some foods and drinks sodium comes naturally. Sodium is an important part of common salt (sodium chloride). That is during the manufacturing process, preparing the meal or added to the diet at the table.
On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of sodium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.
How much do I need?
For sodium is not a recommended daily recommended amount. It is assumed that not more than 500 mg of sodium per day or 1.5 g table salt is needed to fulfill a requirement. The Health Council recommends no more than 6 grams of salt a day.
An overview of the different life stages in the sodium need can be found at ' how much do I need? '.
What is safe?
To prevent high blood pressure, have a day not more than 2.4 g sodium or 6 g table salt to eat.
What are the effects of too much sodium?
By excess sodium are the kidneys and the heart additional charge which high blood pressure can occur. Excess sodium thus increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
What are the consequences of a lack of sodium?
A deficiency of sodium will not occur quickly in Netherlands because sodium is present in almost all foods. When a deficit occurs, however this is usually caused by loss of sodium via sweat by prolonged exertion. This causes symptoms of dehydration. This can occur when mountain climbers and elite athletes.
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