
Selenium has the same effect as an antioxidant and goes against the formation of harmful substances in the body. There are indications that the heavy metals that enter the body through less toxic contaminants. In addition, selenium may protect against the development of prostate cancer. Selenium is also important for a good resistance, for the development of the sperm and for healthy hair.

Where is it in?
Selenium is present in almost all foods. The content of selenium in plant products depends on the amount of selenium in the soil. Grains are generally richer in selenium than vegetables. Also organ meats (like liver and kidney), fish and shellfish are high in selenium.

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of selenium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The recommended amount for adult men and women (22-50 years) is by the Health experts say  50-150 micrograms per day. An overview of the Selenium in the different stages of life need can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for Selenium is 300 micrograms of selenium per day. This is equivalent to three kilograms of rice or two and a half kilo of meat. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the effects of too much selenium?
At an excess of selenium are the hair and nails brittle. There may be loss of nails and hair. However, it is almost not possible to get too much selenium in the diet.

What are the consequences of a lack of selenium?
At a deficiency of selenium, there may be a disruption of the functioning of the heart muscle.

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