How to grow taller with the right diet

Eating can effect your height! Eating a proper and well balanced diet can not only make you live longer but also if you are still in your growing years has the added bonus of making you grow taller as well. Here on Duckalogue we have many different healthy eating tips and information for the right balanced diet along with a full index of minerals and what benefits they actually have. So why not check out the rest of our blog to see more information on eating right!
Well as i was saying a right diet can help you grow taller, growing taller has three crucial points which are genetics, and your lifestyle both are as important as each other.. genetics maybe out of your control but what food you eat isn't  Research has proven that people who eat a poor diet even if they eat plenty of food people can still be malnourished ie if they eat processed junk food all the time which lack vital vitamins and minerals there is actually a increased chance that person will not grow that tall because of their poor diet compared to someone who eats a healthy balanced diet and has all the recommend daily vitamins and minerals whilst in the growing years. Even if your parents are tall and genetics are on your side if you don't eat right you can stunt your growth.

Not to worry though as we have plenty of information regarding healthy living and diets here on Duckalogue


Carbohydrates are the main caloric energy source that in muscle cells in the form of glycogen are stored. Carbohydrates can be in different forms through diet. You have the so-called fast carbohydrates (are quickly into the bloodstream) and the slow carbohydrates (are slowly into the bloodstream). The fast carbohydrates can be found in easily digestible (edited) power supply. Examples include: sports drinks, fruit juice (also with sweetener) and fruit. Other examples of fast carbohydrates, such as candies, cakes and pastries, or refined sugars of any sort (bad carbs), just for extra calories in addition to the normal diet. These empty calories are usually taken instead of foods that have an important contribution to the energy supply.

Fast carbohydrates you should eat after a workout, these create a surge of insulin levels in the blood and thus creates a strong anabolic stimulus. Insulin is an anabolic hormone. Also, at the same time also IGF (insulin Growth Factor), a growth hormone that makes for muscle growth. At the moment you just have be a training while taking the fast carbohydrates used to glycogen supply in the muscles and liver. And provide insulin and IGF for muscle building. At the time that you don't have to be trained fast carbohydrates to a large extent turned into fats and insulin for fat storage! It is recommended to eat more fruit because fruit is still a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

The slow carbohydrates you can eat at all times, they increase insulin levels hardly allowing the carbohydrates not in fats are stored. In addition, they provide a long period for the supply of sugars from the intestine causing a feeling of hunger. Slow carbohydrates can be found in: grains, beans, brown bread, raw vegetables, vegetables, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc. carbohydrates are in the body uses as fuel with a yield of 4 kcal per gram.

Alternating calories

To build muscle you need to ingest more calories than you need, on the other hand you have to ingest fewer calories for losing body fat. This is diametrically opposed to each other. What do you then do to both goals? That is alternating your calorie intake as detailed below. Just make sure that the ratio of calories from carbohydrates, proteins and fats about matches up with your daily energy consumption.

Heavier through fat burning and muscle building
Eat four to five days a week – about four pounds calories per kg body weight more than you need. Spread this over five meals per day.


person of 75 kg
Eat 75 × 4 = 300 kcal per day more, this is
300/5 = 60 kcal more per meal.

Eat the other two to three days about four pounds calories per kg of body weight less than you need. Across five meals a day.


eat 300 kcal per day less, this is equivalent
with 60 kcal less per meal.

Lighter by fat burning and muscle building
The opposite of what above. Eat four to five days a week – about four kcal per kg body weight less than you need. Spread this over five meals per day.

Eat the other two to three days about four kcal per kg body weight more than you need. Across five meals a day.

Weight maintenance but still burn fat and build muscle tissue
Half and Half.
Eat three to four days a week – about four kcal per kg body weight less than you need. Spread this over five meals per day.

Eat three to four days a week – about four kcal per kg body weight more than you need. Spread this over five meals per day.

Use the days that you train to eat more, and the days when you little to nothing does the days to eat less.

Diet Rules

A proper diet is important for each man. Below are a number of lines for a proper food policy which that regularly a sports fanatic.

Always eat a minimum of five meals a day. Two or three meals are just too little. Two of the five meals may be seen as a snack as long as they contain enough calories and are composed of the right macro nutrients. By eating more frequently keeps your blood sugar and insulin levels up to standard. The body will also store less fat since no reason is (see metabolism). On the other hand, do you eat irregularly, then your body recognizes a State of hunger with the result that the excess food is stored as body fat in order to be addressed at the first coming hungry State.
Care in preparing your daily meals or snacks that you have a good ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. (In the schema "calculation energy need" you can calculate how many calories you need in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.) Depending on the intensity of your workout, you may need more carbohydrates as an energy source. Fat is needed for the production of many hormones in your body and maintain good health so it is better not to delete all fats from your food. Try animal (saturated) fats to be limited to a minimum and use more vegetable (unsaturated) fats such as olive oil. Also you need to eat enough protein for growth and repair of muscles.
A gram of protein or a gram of carbohydrate equals 4 calories per gram while a gram of fat contains nine calories per gram.
The amount of carbohydrates that you body needs depends on the energy you consume. Ask yourself what you are going to do the next two hours after a meal. Eat more if you intensively goes sports and less if you want to do a NAP.
-You can only lose fat quickly and effectively with a power supply that delivers fewer calories than you would need to stay at the same weight.
-You can only build muscle tissue quickly and effectively with a power supply that delivers more calories than you need to stay at the same weight. How can you build muscle tissue and burn fat at the same time? That can not. So you will both power supplies must alternate. Do you want to build muscle and burn fat, then you
go up and down with your calories.

It's almost impossible to get all the nutrients that the body needs to be healthy and to stay active to get inside from the food, especially in periods of "lighter by fat burning and muscle building". So it is important to supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals and other carefully chosen materials to achieve the best possible to set objectives in the field of sports, health, muscle building and fat burning.
Apart from elite athletes who every day to have to keep a good PSU to deliver top performance, it is not mind spending a day a week to eat whatever you want to high-fat food. If you six days in the week well, regular and healthy that one day you will eat a lot of fatty diets consume little/no impact on your body fat percentage and health.


What is a good diet? A proper diet is a diet that consists of enough: good carbs, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals that the body needs every day. Our body is built to move, to hunt and to find food. This is no longer necessary In today's society. We get our food from the grocery store, work what we do compels most of us no too high physical exertion. And after work? Watching television, visit to knowledge or friends. What do you do to sport? Everyone would like a nice toned body, but that you should be what do. It is often just a threshold. Time well organize, and on up to the same times on certain days sports so that it becomes a habit. In addition to sports is a healthy and proper diet is indispensable. (The word diet is normally only used for the food macronutrients [proteins, carbohydrates and fats] and micro-nutrients [vitamins, minerals and trace elements].)
What often thought is: "I don't want to get fat, so it is better not eat as much". Actually, you can pretty much food, as long as it is good nutrition. Eat during the day no fries, roll Meatball, candy, etc. And evening no chips, or other greasy-or sweets (which you will soon lose weight). Bring eating these products back to a maximum of once a week.
Further, it is important to eat at least five times a day whereby the metabolism is faster. The metabolism is the factor in order to reduce and prevent the stored body fat, for optimal results with sports see also direct fat burning. A meal with good nutrition provides sufficient energy to be used after cooking for three hours after the first. Also makes a good diet for strong resistance which makes you less susceptible to disease.

On this website are useful tips and tricks to lose weight by burning fat and a fast metabolism, as well as explanation of important substances that are present in foods. Different schedules, calculations and tables (how can you organize 5/6 meals in a day, calculate for yourself you need carbohydrates, proteins and fats, where are most carbohydrates, proteins or fats, how many kcal burned you with which sport) are added so that you can determine for yourself what you need.

Running orthotic insoles

Running technique and wearing the right insoles is crucial if you want to run fast and not get fatigue as well. Just as diet and exercise is needed to keep fit and healthy and improve you running a pair of orthotic also is a  good idea too. Orthotic insoles provide arch support, Arch supports support the arch of your foot where it needed to help prevent and treat problems that can occur from under use or over use of the foot. Note that obese people are are susceptible of developing problems like for example plantar fasciitis due to the fact the tissue and plantar fascia becomes  weakened from under use and being overweight can cause extra strain, but on the other hand athletes have also got a high chance of getting plantar fasciitis due to over use and thus the increased risk of injury to the arch and plantar fascia.

People who have got plantar fasciitis or other forms of problems can buy a pair of either specialized plantar fasciitis insoles or sports running insoles to treat the problem.. if you are worried about getting problems and dont want pain either now or in later life you can always buy a pair to help prevent and protect the feet from damage and unwanted strain.

All this being said orthotic insoles are relativity affordable if you buy them online not only that but they can be bought in many sizes to fit just about anyone.

The way orthotic running insoles work really can help your run if you are a athlete or runner... they minimize lost energy and help to cushion your foot from impacts making running far more comfortable and easier.

Where to buy running orthotics?

I find that the best place you can go to and buy some orthotic insoles is Nuovhealth


Zinc is needed in the construction of proteins and thus for the growth and renewal of tissue. Zinc also ensures healthy bones, hair and skin, and a good memory. In addition it plays a role in the construction and breakdown of carbohydrates. Zinc is part of the hormone insulin and it causes the immune system is working properly. It carries in addition to fertility.

Where is it in?
Zinc occurs primarily in meat, fish, herring, brown bread, pulses and rice.

On the page ' where's the? "is to find more information about mineral resources and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The Health Council has the recommended amount for adult men (22-50 years) set at 10 milligrams per day and for women at 9 milligrams per day.

An overview of the zinc need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect the absorption of zinc?
Dietary fiber and phosphorus have a restrictive effect on the absorption of zinc.

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose is 25 mg of zinc per day. This is equivalent to eight fried burgers. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the consequences of an excess of zinc?
An acute excess zinc is rare in humans. When there was an intake of a large dose of zinc at one time, then it was this caused by food or drink that had come in contact with galvanized. The symptoms that occur include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Prolonged intake of too much zinc can cause among other anemia (anemia) and a reduction of the resistance.

What are the consequences of a lack of zinc?
Infants may be left behind by a zinc deficiency growth and severely malnourished. Other effects of zinc deficiency may include growth retardation, decreased taste and smell, skin disorders and night blindness.


Selenium has the same effect as an antioxidant and goes against the formation of harmful substances in the body. There are indications that the heavy metals that enter the body through less toxic contaminants. In addition, selenium may protect against the development of prostate cancer. Selenium is also important for a good resistance, for the development of the sperm and for healthy hair.

Where is it in?
Selenium is present in almost all foods. The content of selenium in plant products depends on the amount of selenium in the soil. Grains are generally richer in selenium than vegetables. Also organ meats (like liver and kidney), fish and shellfish are high in selenium.

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of selenium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The recommended amount for adult men and women (22-50 years) is by the Health experts say  50-150 micrograms per day. An overview of the Selenium in the different stages of life need can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for Selenium is 300 micrograms of selenium per day. This is equivalent to three kilograms of rice or two and a half kilo of meat. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the effects of too much selenium?
At an excess of selenium are the hair and nails brittle. There may be loss of nails and hair. However, it is almost not possible to get too much selenium in the diet.

What are the consequences of a lack of selenium?
At a deficiency of selenium, there may be a disruption of the functioning of the heart muscle.


Sodium is necessary for a good balance in the water balance of the body, for the muscle contraction and nerve stimulus or the conductivity. Sodium also provides an important contribution to the regulation of blood pressure, along with the mineral potassium.

Where is it in?
Sodium is present in almost all foods and drinks. In some foods and drinks sodium comes naturally. Sodium is an important part of common salt (sodium chloride). That is during the manufacturing process, preparing the meal or added to the diet at the table.

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of sodium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
For sodium is not a recommended daily recommended amount. It is assumed that not more than 500 mg of sodium per day or 1.5 g table salt is needed to fulfill a requirement. The Health Council recommends no more than 6 grams of salt a day.

An overview of the different life stages in the sodium need can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What is safe?
To prevent high blood pressure, have a day not more than 2.4 g sodium or 6 g table salt to eat.

What are the effects of too much sodium?
By excess sodium are the kidneys and the heart additional charge which high blood pressure can occur. Excess sodium thus increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What are the consequences of a lack of sodium?
A deficiency of sodium will not occur quickly in Netherlands because sodium is present in almost all foods. When a deficit occurs, however this is usually caused by loss of sodium via sweat by prolonged exertion. This causes symptoms of dehydration. This can occur when mountain climbers and elite athletes.


Molybdenum is part of several enzymes. These enzymes are involved in the breakdown and buildup of proteins in our body.

Where is it in?
Molybdenum occurs mainly in legumes, grains and nuts. Other good sources of molybdenum are organ meat, milk and eggs. The concentration of molybdenum in plant food depends on the amount of molybdenum in the soil in which the food grow.

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of molybdenum and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
In Netherlands and the EU is not a recommended daily allowance for molybdenum.

An overview of the molybdenum need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors influence the inclusion of molybdenum?
About the availability of molybdenum from different foods is little known. Possible would molybdenum from soy products less well.

What is safe?
Adverse effects of an excess of molybdenum in humans are to date not found. Therefore, the maximum safe dose determined on the basis of research in rats. The maximum safe dose for molybdenum is 600 micrograms per day. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the consequences of an excess of molybdenum?
Adverse effects of an excess of molybdenum in humans are to date not found.

What are the consequences of a lack of molybdenum?
Adverse effects of a deficiency of molybdenum in humans are to date not found.


Manganese is necessary for the formation of bone tissue. Manganese is also involved in the metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol and carbohydrates. In addition, it contributes to protection of body cells to oxidative stress and to the supply of energy for our body.

Where is it in?
Manganese is necessary for the formation of bone tissue. Manganese is also involved in the metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol and carbohydrates.

Where is it in?
Manganese is found in cereals, rice, nuts, leafy vegetables, fruit, meat, fish and tea.

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of manganese and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
In Netherlands and in the EU has drawn up no recommended daily allowance for manganese. An overview of the different life stages the manganese in need can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect the absorption of manganese?
Factors that affect the absorption of manganese are the presence of calcium, phosphate and iron. At high levels of these three substances in the diet reduces the absorption of manganese, at low levels improves the absorption.

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for manganese is 11 milligrams/day. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the effects of too much manganese?
An excess of manganese causes damage to the nervous system. An excess of manganese through diet, however, is rare.

What are the consequences of a lack of manganese?
Nothing is known about the possible consequences in humans too little manganese in food. In experimental animals are abnormalities in the brain and skeleton.


Magnesium is necessary for energy metabolism in the body, the transfer of nerve impulses and the proper functioning of the muscles. Furthermore, magnesium firmness to the skeleton and it is required for building muscle. It also contributes to the energy supply of our body.
Where is it in?
Magnesium found in almost all foods for. The content of magnesium varies by food. On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of magnesium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The Health Council has the recommended daily allowance for adult men (19-50 years) set at 300-350 mg and for adult women at 250-350 mg.

An overview of the different life stages in the magnesium requirement can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect the absorption of magnesium?
Dietary fiber and phosphorus reduce the absorption of magnesium, as with zinc. Dietary fiber and phosphorus are found in fruits, vegetables and grains. The percentage of magnesium absorption is also dependent on the amount of protein, oxalic acid or phytic acid that is present in the intestine.

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for magnesium from supplements and fortified foods is 250 milligrams per day. Only by these products may be a surplus of magnesium occur. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the effects of too much magnesium?
With an excess of magnesium creates light diarrhea.

What are the consequences of a lack of magnesium?
Magnesium found in almost all foods for. This makes the chances of a magnesium deficiency is very small. At a lengthy magnesium deficiency Act complaints as irritation of the nerves in the muscles, cardiac arrhythmia, stomach cramps and fatigue.


Copper provides that iron is recorded in hemoglobin, the red dye in our blood, and thus plays a role in oxygen transport in the body. Copper is also involved in the pigmentation of skin and hair and connective tissue and bone formation. Copper is also important for a good resistance and contributes to the energy supply of our body.

Where is it in?
Copper occurs mainly in organ meats, fish & seafood, nuts and cereal products. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables and cocoa products sources of copper

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of copper and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The recommended daily allowance for adults (22-50 years) is by the Health Council on 1.5-3.5 mg. pregnant women have extra copper necessary because during pregnancy about 16 mg copper in the placenta and the fetus. Also women who are breastfeeding have more copper to compensate the amount of copper with breast milk leaves the body.

An overview of the buyer need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect the absorption of copper?
The inclusion of copper is inhibited by zinc and by a vitamin C intake of at least 1500 milligrams per day. This corresponds to about 25 oranges.

What is safe?
the maximum safe dose for adults 5 milligrams of copper/day. This is equivalent to 550 grams of cooked Brown rice. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the consequences of an excess of copper?
Excess copper is usually caused by contamination of foods and/or beverages. Symptoms caused an excess of saliva, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

What are the consequences of a lack of buyer?
A copper deficiency is rare in most people. The risk of a deficiency is greater in newborn children, preterm infants and children who are malnourished.

Symptoms that often occur in a shortage of copper are anemia, reduction of the immune system and bone abnormalities, such as osteoporosis.


Potassium is necessary for the blood management and maintaining a normal blood pressure. Potassium is necessary for muscle contraction and for the energy metabolism in the muscles.

Where is it in?
Potassium comes almost in all foods. Major sources of potassium are potatoes, bread, dairy, meats and vegetables.

When potatoes and vegetables with plenty of water be boiled potassium is lost.

On the page ' where's the? "is even more information on mineral springs and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
In Netherlands is no recommended daily allowance for potassium. The recommendations in Europe are in the order of 3.1 – 3.5 g of potassium per day for adults.

An overview of the different life stages in the potassium needs can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What is safe?
For potassium is no maximum safe dose.

What are the effects of too much potassium?
About the consequences of too much potassium and when there is an excess of potassium, few details are known. Usually our body is able to provide the right amount of potassium. The kidneys keep the levels of potassium in the body constant. Too much potassium record via the power supply is virtually impossible. An acute potassium poisoning can occur if someone all of a sudden 18 grams (18,000 milligrams) potassium per day and the excess potassium insufficient is excreted through the urine. A to high potassium levels in the body can, in the worst case, lead to a cardiac arrest.

What are the consequences of a lack of potassium?
Because potassium in many foods, it is unlikely that there is a shortage is caused by insufficient dietary intake. A deficiency can occur as a result of an increased loss of potassium by long-term persistent diarrhea or vomiting. A potassium deficiency can also arise from the use of laxatives or diuretics.

Symptoms in a potassium deficiency include muscle weakness and impaired heart function. Psychological disorders such as depression and confusion can also be a result of a potassium deficiency.


Iodine is needed for the formation of thyroid hormones that are important for growth and metabolism. Iodine is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and supports the energy supply.

Where is it in?
Iodine can naturally occur in seawater, in Earth and in drinking water. Through these roads is iodine in food as sea fish and vegetables. Milk and milk products also contribute to the iodine intake. In the consumer goods Act stipulates that bread and bread substitutes, meat products, common salt and common salt substitutes may be enriched with iodine.

On the page ' where's the? "is even more information about iodine sources and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
In Netherlands is no recommended daily allowance for iodine. Therefore, the vitamin information Office, just like the Health Council, the American guidelines (from the Institute of Medicine). In America the recommended daily allowance for adults set at 150 micrograms per day. During the pregnancy is 220 micrograms is recommended. For women who are breastfeeding in an RDA of 290 micrograms per day.

An overview of the different life stages need in the iodine can be found at ' how much do I need? '

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for iodine is 600 micrograms/day. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the effects of too much iodine?
In a normally functioning thyroid gland allows the body too much iodine well tolerated. When the thyroid gland works insufficiently (hypothyroidism), an excess of iodine can ensure a thyroid enlargement. In some individuals, the high iodine thyroid result in a tax already in which an excess of thyroid hormones is produced (hyperthyroïdisme). This allows symptoms as insomnia, nervousness, increased appetite and weight loss.

What are the consequences of a lack of iodine?
At a deficiency of iodine can  swell the thyroid gland in children this has a lag in on the physical and mental growth. In adults slow down the reactions, keep the tissues retain moisture and reduces the ability to think.


Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, a component of the red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Oxygen is required for combustion of nutrients in the tissues. This is energy is released. In addition the iron supports immune system and contributes to our energy supply. There are several types of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron.

Where is it in?
Heme iron is found in animal products such as meat (were), non-heme-iron in plant products, such as potatoes, bread and vegetables.

On the page ' where's the? "is even more information on iron resources and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) iron is dependent on age and gender. Women need more iron than men by the loss of iron in menstruation. Women during pregnancy also have more hardware needed for the formation of the placenta and the development of the child.

The recommended amount for adult men (22-50 years) is by the Health Council on 11 milligrams, for adult women at 15 milligrams.

An overview of the iron need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect the absorption of iron?
The absorption of iron is affected by different physiological and nutritional factors.

Physiological factors
The physiological factors (life factors) that affect the absorption of heme and non-heme iron are the iron stores in the body and the iron need. When the physical inventory is low, is there more hardware included. The iron need is among other things depending on the age, gender and iron status. At a higher need is more hardware included. This is the case, for example, in children younger than 3 years. Other groups with a higher need and therefore a higher recording are young adult girls, menstruating women and pregnant women. The presence of anemia also causes a higher absorption of iron.

Dietary Factors
Several factors in the diet affect the recording of heme and non-heme iron. Coffee, tea and calcium reduce absorption of both heme iron as non-heme iron. Meat, fish and vitamin C increase the absorption of non-heme iron.

Heme iron is on average 3 x better than non-heme iron absorbed by our bodies.

What is safe?
The Health Council has the maximum safe dose for iron set at 50-75 mg iron/day. This corresponds to 2.5-3.5 pounds of steak. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

For people suffering from ijzerstapelings disease (hemochromatosis) is no maximum safe dose.

What are the effects of too much iron?
A too high iron content in the body can lead to chronic fatigue or damage to organs such as the liver, intestines and heart.

What are the consequences of a lack of iron?
When iron deficiency can complaints such as dizziness and a reduced ability to concentrate. A clear iron deficiency leads to anemia (anemia).


Phosphorus gives firmness to the skeleton. Also the mineral involved in the energy supply of the body and it is part of the DNA. Phosphorus is necessary for carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.

Where is it in?
Phosphorus comes almost in all foods. Foods as milk, fish, meat and bread contain relatively much phosphorus. Phosphorus is also in the form of phosphate salt as Binder added to foods

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of phosphorus and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The recommended amount of phosphorus is by the Health Council on 700-1400 mg per day for adult men and women (22-50 years).

An overview of the phosphorus need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect the absorption of phosphorus?
The absorption of phosphorus is reduced by antisecretory drugs that contain aluminum and by high doses of calcium carbonate (chalk). Calcium carbonate is in calcium supplements.

What is safe?
Phosphorus is the maximum safe dose for adults 4000 mg per day. This corresponds to over two pounds of meat or four pounds of spinach. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the consequences of an excess of phosphorus?
Excessive intake of phosphorus causes increased bone metabolism, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis in older adults. Further, a high intake of phosphorus to the absorption of iron, copper and zinc.

What are the consequences of a lack of phosphorus?
Because phosphorus is sufficiently present in almost all foods, is a shortage of phosphorus almost not possible. A deficiency of phosphorus can lead to anorexia, anemia, bone pain, improper formation of the bones during growth in children or an increased susceptibility to infections.


Chloride (chlorine) is in table salt. It is along with sodium and potassium needed for a good balance in the water balance of the body. In addition it comes also for chloride in stomach acid, in the form of hydrochloric acid.

Where is it in?
Salt, which is made up of sodium and chloride, is the main source for chloride. Sodium Chloride is so, like, for in almost all foods and beverages. Chloride is in the form of salt added during the production process, during the preparation of the meal or at the table.

On the page ' where's the? "is even more information about the sources of chloride and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
For chloride is not a recommended daily recommended amount. It is assumed that not more than 1.5 g salt per day is needed to fulfill a requirement. The Health Council recommends no more than 6 grams of salt a day.

What is safe?
Adverse effects of too much chloride are not known. There is no safe upper limit fixed.

What are the effects of too much chloride?
Chloride is mainly through salt included in the body. To ensure that the body does not ingest too much chloride, the average salt consumption preferably below the 9 grams per day. At this quantity the body gets more than enough chloride inside and no surplus arises. By excessive consumption of table salt, the body moisture retention (edema) that high blood pressure can occur. Symptoms of too much chlorine, however, are not known.

What are the consequences of a lack of chloride?
A shortage of chloride will not occur quickly in Netherlands because chloride is present in almost all foods. Thereby also get people who follow a low salt diet still adequate chloride inside.


Chromium, also known as chromium, is required for proper functioning of insulin and for maintaining blood sugar levels. In addition it plays a role in fat metabolism.

Where is it in?
Grain products with a high content of bran are high in chromium. It is not clear whether chromium from these products are also good. Advance chrome mainly in Brewer's yeast, whole wheat bread, vegetable, cane molasses, meat and liver. Meat, poultry, and fish contain per serving between 1-2 micrograms of chromium. The content of chromium in fruits and vegetables is very variable.

On the page ' where's the? "more information about the sources of chromium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
In Netherlands and in the European Union is not a recommended daily allowance for chrome. An overview of the different life stages in the chrome need can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

There is evidence that supplements containing chromium may have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and insulin on the drop-off in patients with diabetes (type 2),

What factors affect the absorption of chromium?
Vitamin C improves the absorption of chromium.

What is safe?
There are no known adverse effects of excessive intake of chromium. The safe upper limit specified is 250 mcg per day.

What are the effects of too much chrome?
There are no known adverse effects of excessive intake of chromium.

What are the consequences of a lack of chrome?
As far as we know is not for shortages in Netherlands. But in severe malnutrition can a deficiency occur. This can lead to increased glucose concentration in the blood, to elevated cholesterol levels in the blood and weight loss.


The mineral calcium (lime) gives firmness to the skeleton and teeth. Calcium is also needed for the proper functioning of the muscles and for guiding incentives to the nerves. Calcium is involved in blood clotting, further cell growth and hormone metabolism. In addition, it contributes to the energy supply of our body cells.

Where is it in?
Calcium occurs mainly in dairy products such as milk and cheese. Bread, vegetables, pulses and potatoes contain much less calcium than dairy products, but wear though of the total calcium supply. On the page ' where's the? "is even more information about the sources of calcium and the contribution of these sources to the recommended daily allowance.

How much do I need?
The required amount of calcium is among other things dependent on age and gender. According to the Health Council have adult men and women (19-50 years) on average 1000 milligrams (= 1 gram) need calcium. This corresponds to 4-5 glasses of milk.

An overview of the calcium need in the different stages of life can be found at ' how much do I need? '.

What factors affect calcium absorption?
The absorption of calcium by the body is affected by a number of factors. So provide sufficient exercise and enough vitamin D for increased recording. Too little exercise and vitamin D do the recording. In addition, older people have less calcium in women on. the hormonal changes during menopause have a negative effect on calcium absorption. Alcohol also causes decreased absorption of calcium.

What is safe?
The maximum safe dose for calcium is 2500 mg/day. This is approximately two gallons of milk. At the safe dose is an average value, with a wide margin is taken. This means that one-time or short-term non-compliance with the maximum safe dose no direct danger.

What are the consequences of too much calcium?
An excess of calcium interferes with the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Kidney stones can cause bone growth is deteriorating, making bones weaken.

What are the consequences of a lack of calcium?
In infants may by a calcium deficiency muscle cramps. Low calcium intake in the elderly can lead to osteoporosis (osteoporosis). When calcium by a deficiency of vitamin D can not adequately recorded, osteomalacia (bone softening).

Other consequences of a lack of calcium are a delayed blood clotting, and-a serious deficit-muscle cramps.

Health Research